“When we reached out to Joanie we were desperate. Our 20 month old daughter was taking 1-2 hours to go to sleep at night, refusing to let us put her down in the crib, and then waking several times a night and needing to be held/rocked back to sleep. Fast forward 3 weeks later, after working with Joanie, and in the past week our little one has slept through the night several times, with it only taking 15-30 minutes for her to get off to sleep in the crib. We are now able to put her in the crib awake, and she often asks to go in there after her story. We are taking a slow approach.....but slowly and surely we are moving towards regular sleeping through the night. Joanie was extremely patient, adaptive to finding a plan that worked well for our family, and a truly lovely, supportive and very experienced person to have on our side throughout this process. We highly recommend Joanie’s sleep coach services, and are very grateful to have found her.
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for all of your support and kindness. ”
— Parents of 20 m old, Watertown Ma
“We can’t thank you enough for all your help to get here!!! He really does seem to understand the mantra and it flips a switch for him and he doesn’t put up much of a fuss, except for the occasional nap. We remain very hopeful, now that we have the tools and will hopefully be able to get through illness and later sleep regressions as they arise. Thank you so much!!!”
— Kristina and Jason, Cambridge, Ma. Parents of 4.5 m old
“We had a difficult time transitioning our toddler from co-sleeping and contact napping to sleeping independently in her own bed. She was very reliant on caregivers to help her fall asleep, keep her asleep and put her back to sleep when she woke up. Now we are able to put her in a crib and we can leave the room and she will fall asleep on her own, stay asleep for long periods of time and when she wakes up in the middle of the night she soothes herself back to sleep. Joanie’s coaching gave us the courage to apply the routine and plan and give our daughter the opportunity to show us that she could do this. Having Joanie’s support through the process was helpful in that we were able to discuss the results of the training every night and get real-time feedback that was tailored to our situation. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome and highly recommend Joanie’s services.
— Diana and Mike, Lunenberg, Ma, Parents of 2 year old
“Joanie’s support came at a time when we were really struggling. Our baby boy (6 months) was waking up every 2 hours in the night needing our intervention, and napping poorly throughout the day (30-45 minute intervals). Then came Joanie! Fast forward two weeks, and our son is sleeping 12 hours a night, and napping for longer periods of times, not needing our help at all for the few times he does wake. She listened to us, validated our concerns, provided evidenced based treatment recommendations that were in alignment with what our comfort level was. She was there with us every step of the way, and the daily communication really helped answer questions that came up and provided us with extra support, making adjustments/ recommendations that we could implement in real time and see change happen fast. We can’t recommend her support enough. ”
— Ashley and Andy, NH, parents of 6 m old
“We were in really rough shape before hiring Joanie - our daughter was waking 3, 4, even 5 times a night, and it was taking anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours to get her back to sleep! We were running on fumes and at our wits end. After working with Joanie, it’s just amazing how much sleep we’re getting! She sleeps 12 hours at night without needing us to do anything, and is napping much better too. For us, the most helpful thing about working with Joanie was that she quickly helped us get on the same page. We started out with really different preferences and ideas about how to handle the situation, and would not have been able to agree to a plan without an outside expert weighing in. Joanie sorted us out quickly, with compassion, and made it so much easier to tackle our daughter’s sleep. .”
— Helen and Andrew, Somerville, Parents of 12 m old
“Prior to working with Joanie, life in our household was exhausting. Needless to say, our nearly 6-month old daughter was not a natural sleeper. Her naps were disorganized, the bedtime battles were wearing us all down, and we were all severely sleep deprived. Once she awakened from sleep, getting her back to sleep was a challenge. Consequently, my wife and I had resorted to taking shifts, our nights reduced to watching the monitor so that we could rush into our daughter’s room, replace the pacifier, and rock her back to sleep the moment she began to cry. After the night feed, we had to repeat the entire process once again, only to find our daughter awake very early in the morning. Shopping trips were completed quickly in order to avoid meltdowns in the stroller - as we watched with envy while other parents pushed their tranquil infants around the store. We found it difficult to be our best selves as parents under these circumstances, so it was time for a change. We had a tall order, however, since our daughter had grown accustomed to swaddling and pacifier use, and whenever we attempted to use a sleep sack, she would cry immediately after being put down, despite being rocked deeply to sleep beforehand. Joanie was confident she could help us, though we had our doubts. She put together a detailed sleep plan, which included information on eliminating the night feed (at the urging of our pediatrician), a sleep schedule, as well as instructions on the sleep training method of our choosing. Joanie guided us through the entire process and suggested adjustments to our plan along the way, whenever necessary. Within four nights, our daughter began soothing herself back to sleep in a sleep sack without a pacifier, and by night five, we had eliminated the night feed. At the end of the first week, our daughter no longer needed extensive rocking at bedtime and instead went to sleep almost immediately after being placed into the crib, awake and without any crying. At the end of the two week period, we had moved our daughter’s bedtime back, and she was sleeping over 12 hours, uninterrupted, and waking at 7 am. Her naps are still a work in progress, but we’ve seen improvements here as well. The skills she has learned during the night are generalizing to naps, so we’re confident we’ll get a handle on them. My wife and I have finally reclaimed our evenings and nights. Best of all, because her sleep is so restorative, our daughter has become more attentive during the day, significantly calmer, more independent, and much happier - and the stroller meltdowns have ended. Thanks Joanie!”
— Tim and Erin, Menlo Park, CA, parents of 5 m old
“Before we started working with Joanie, the 4 month sleep regression had hit us hard - our daughter started waking every 20-30 minutes overnight and wouldn’t stay asleep unless she was rocked in our arms. We were taking turns staying up with her overnight, rocking her to sleep every time she woke, and spending hours during the day locked away in her nursery trying to help her to nap. We were absolutely exhausted. With Joanie’s expert guidance, we made some tweaks to our daughter’s schedule, sleep environment and bedtime routine and agreed on a sleep training method to begin applying the following night. By night two, our daughter fell asleep independently within 15 minutes and slept for 7 hours straight!! We were in awe. Over the next two weeks, Joanie made herself available to answer any questions and make tweaks to our daughter’s schedule to help us continue getting her nights and naps on track. Now, our daughter is sleeping through the night most nights and her naps are starting to come together too. We are amazed at how much progress she has made in just a couple of weeks, and we couldn’t have done it without Joanie!”
— Jess and Matt, Needham, Parents of 4 m old
“We moved to Jerusalem from Washington, D.C. when our twins were 10-months old. They had been sleeping pretty well in the States, but once we arrived in Jerusalem, it all fell apart. Our son only napped in the car or a stroller and our daughter would only sleep for 7-8 hours at night—and wake up her brother. After 8-months of trying everything we could find on the internet, we were exhausted and frustrated and the kids were cranky all the time.
After working with Joanie, both kids are sleeping 12-hours straight at night and our son is successfully sleeping in his crib for naps. Their moods drastically improved—almost overnight—and they began eating better as well. Soon after completing our consultation period with Joanie, we traveled back to the States for three-weeks. By adhering to the sleep plan Joanie created for us in Jerusalem, the kids easily got over jet-lag in the States and once back in Jerusalem. Our relatives in the States were amazed with the 12-hour sleeping periods at night and their great moods despite all the change.
We are so appreciative of Joanie’s help—it really was a game-changer. We have two people helping us with the twins and despite our best efforts, we were all doing things slightly differently. Joanie helped us realize this and then gave us a clear plan that we could all work from. Her daily feedback was really helpful and ensured all our questions were answered quickly. We really could not be happier with the results. ”
— Jerusalem, Israel, parents of 16m old twins
“We cannot say enough about how wonderful our experience was with Joanie. When we contacted her, our 10-month-old son was waking multiple times throughout the night and not getting enough sleep during the day. Needless to say, we were sleep-deprived and frustrated. There are so many sleep training books and resources online, but we had no idea where to start or what to do first. Joanie created a detailed, personalized plan for us, adjusting the plan as necessary and giving us support on a daily basis. She not only provided science-backed information (excellent for my practical-minded husband) and supportive coaching (good for a softie like me who dreads hearing their baby crying), she truly had the best interest of our child at heart. We now have a son that is on a schedule – napping twice a day and sleeping through the night! Joanie was able to tackle multiple issues at once, including moving nighttime feedings to daytime, adjusting naptime schedules and giving pointers on helping our child self soothe. If you’re hesitating – don’t! – the only regret we have is not contacting her earlier. We are truly better parents because we have our nights back and can enjoy our son to the fullest extent.
— Elizabeth and Ryan, Cambridge, Ma., parents of 10 mo old
“Before working with Joanie, our daughter typically needed parental snuggles and at least half an hour to get to sleep, plus she would wake up three to four times a night. She was also refusing to nap at home on the weekends. Suffice to say we were becoming increasingly sleep-deprived and unable to get anything done! Joanie gave us a comprehensive sleep strategy and sound practical advice. She gave us a “mantra” to say to our daughter when putting her in the crib to let her know gently but firmly that it’s time for bed (she calls it a mantra; we call it an incantation!) Most importantly, she gave us a science-based plan to stick to and the reassurance that we could do it. Within two weeks our daughter was napping once or even twice a day on the weekends, falling asleep at 7 PM, and waking up only once a night! We cannot recommend Joanie highly enough—we only wish we had a time machine to consult her for our firstborn six years ago....”
— Emily and Jason, Sudbury, parents of 15 m old
“We tried everything - rocking, swaying, nursing, crying, even swaddling well beyond when a baby should be swaddled. When all of our tricks stopped working and after a month and a half of sleeping for no more than 2-4 hours at a time, we didn’t know what to do. We had a particularly awful weekend when Conrad was 5 months. On a visit to family, he slept for no more than 45 minutes ALL DAY. That night he couldn’t be settled. The only way to make him sleep was to drive. So at 11pm, sleep deprived Mamma drove for 2 hours. It was our last ditch effort. It was also the point at which we realized we needed some extra help.
My husband posted something about it on Facebook and a friend referred us to Joanie. We started working with her as soon as possible. She gave us great information about sleep science and how to help Conrad sleep. But what was most helpful was her positivity and encouragement. She was available to us daily and we definitely called her everyday! Her support gave us the confidence to select an approach to sleep and stick with it.
There was crying - but honestly, because all the other tricks had stopped working, Conrad was going to be crying anyways. After the first two nights, Conrad was regularly asleep within 20-30 minutes. A couple weeks after we finished working with Joanie, his day naps started to fall into place. Now he is a sleep champion and we feel equipped as parents to make adjustments when things are off with sleep so that he is back on schedule by the next day. We feel free and Joanie totally saved us!
— Rachel and Nathan, Maynard, Ma., parents of 6 m old
“It’s pretty incredible to think in only 2 weeks, almost every one of our original issues has improved! Our biggest issues when we started our work together included: 1) Early AM wakeups, which were really taking a toll on all of us; 2) An inconsistent nap schedule (aka hard to plan anything in advance);3) Short, inconsistent naps; 4) Inconsistent appetite for feedings (sometimes he wanted 7 oz, sometimes 1oz);5) Night feedings and diaper changes we weren’t sure how to wean him from; 6) Our little guy always seeming tired and grumpy — this bothered us the most. Our baby now sleeps pretty soundly for 11-12 hours per night, goes down for bedtime and almost every nap with minimal fuss, is down to 4 solid bottle feeds a day + 2 more feedings of just solids, has a MUCH more consistent schedule that we can build our life around, and is sleeping until 6am-ish every morning! His nap 1 is now typically 1.5 hours long and while we’re still working to elongate nap 2, it’ll come and we can already tell he’s much happier and rested. In just 2 weeks, our family’s lives have improved for the better :) We went into this experience assuming we knew more than most but Joanie provided a lot of insight we hadn’t considered before- especially around his sleep environment (who knew his nightlight was waking him up?), helping us set up a more productive nap and feed schedule, gently but firmly pushing us to remove the dream feed & overnight diaper change that I was CERTAIN he needed, and lots of coaching and guidance along the way. It was comforting to know Joanie was only a call or email away, especially at the beginning as we got started. Our baby now has a strong sleep foundation that will weather him (and us) through many developmental stages to come — we truly appreciate Joanie’s help! ”
— Becky and Wes, South Shore, Ma., parents of 7 m old
“When we started working with Joanie, our almost 3-year-old hadn’t slept through the night in almost a year. He was impossible to get down for bed and then he would wake up several times throughout the night, screaming, crying and making himself throw up. He’d then be up for the day between 5am-6am. He was so tired that we couldn’t get a good nap routine in place and he was cranky and aggressive toward his little brother. The reasons for waking ranged from being scared of the dark, monsters and shadows (we had to leave his door open and room light on) to not being able to get comfortable in his bed because he insisted on sleeping with all of his trucks and cars. After only a week of working with Joanie, we had weaned our son off having cars in his bed (instead tucking them into their own bed outside his room) and he had overcome his fears of the dark, shadows and monsters. After another week he was going down for bed without screaming and throwing up, sleeping through the night and on a consistent nap schedule. We also successfully transitioned him out of his toddler bed and to a twin size bed with hardly any issue. We’ve certainly still had some ups and downs with him, which is to be expected, and we’re still working on getting him to sleep through to 7am (he still wakes around 5/5:30am), but we’re now able to put him down for bed at 7pm and get him back to bed until 6:30am! Joanie has given us a routine and confidence that we can deal with our son’s sleep behaviors, fears and typical toddler tantrums. We are finally able to get sleep ourselves and have noticed huge improvements in our son’s behavior. We are very grateful for Joanie and her support, guidance and confidence in us as parents to succeed. We highly recommend her to anyone in need of sleep!!!!
— Rachel and Cameron, parents of 2 yr 11 m old
“When we started working together Griffin was nursed to sleep. He struggled with self-soothing and was comforted in some way, either being held, rocked, nursed or having his back rubbed. He woke up throughout the night, up to 8 times or would be awake for hours in the middle of the night. So he was getting anywhere from 8.5 to 10 hours of sleep-interrupted. He was tired all the time. By the time I reached out to you I had done ungodly amounts of research online about sleep training and researched different sleep consultants. Like most other parents of sleepless babies, we were struggling- barely existing. It was long overdue and I decided to contact you after reading the wonderful testimonials from other parents. It was a great decision on my part. Things are so much better. He goes to sleep on his own. He sleeps consistently throughout the night. He has slept through the night a few times but is mostly down to one brief waking at night. He falls back asleep immediately. He averages 11 hours of sleep at night. We are so proud of him. We can see the light, finally! Joanie, you were great. You were always available, always level-headed. You had a plan in place but were flexible when things needed to be tweaked. You had a calming demeanor and were very down to earth. You were very understanding to our needs, asks, and wants. I expressed multiple times that I wanted to sleep train using a soft approach and you were respectful of my wishes. It was a great experience considering the circumstances. Thank you for everything!
— Liz and Dana, Fall River, parents of 16 m old
“We can’t stress enough how wonderful our experience with Joanie was! We hired her to help our 5.5-month old to be able to sleep through the night, prolong her daytime naps, and wean off from pacifier. Not only Joanie was very thorough in her sleeping plan, she also pointed out different environmental factors that promote a consolidated sleep. That was a game changer for us. She was empathetic and encouraging through every recommended action, of which the hardest part was balancing feeding and sleeping schedule for us. We don’t think we could have had the confidence to achieve our goals without her support and expertise. Not only our baby now sleeps independently through the night, she is also more rejuvenated and refreshed. The byproduct? We’ve gained our evening time back and have had a better sleep quality ourselves. ”
— Em & Mike, Waltham, Ma, parents of 5.5 months old
“We contacted Joanie when we were looking for help to improve our 15-month-old baby’s sleep. It had become very hard, as he was waking up multiple times at night and many times it took more than an hour to put him back to sleep. We started working with Joanie, and in the beginning we doubted whether two weeks of intervention would get us any significant change. However, the change that occurred within these two weeks was simply unbelievable. Joanie is extremely professional, knowledgeable, pleasant to work with, and certainly loves doing her work. She was efficient at understanding our situation, needs and preferences. She devised a simple, yet comprehensive plan for us and our son to follow. She made sure everything was easy and clear. The first night was already better than any other night we had experienced for months prior to the intervention, and our son’s sleep and habits continued to improve. The daily follow-up Joanie provided was above and beyond anything we expected. Joanie made sure to respond to any question or concern we had. Importantly, she did not just tell us what to do, she taught us to be our own sleep consultants, leaving us knowledgeable and confident. After two weeks, our son now falls asleep by himself in his crib without crying, then usually sleeps for more than 11 hours without needing anything from us. Joanie’s consultation was life changing for our family, and we are grateful for it! ”
— Ravit and Alon, Needham, Ma. , parents of 16 m old
“When we first started working with Joanie, our baby was only sleeping for very short periods of time in her crib during the night and we couldn’t get her back to sleep unless we would bounce her on a ball or hold her and sleep with her in a rocking chair. After working with Joanie, she has helped us get our baby to sleeping through the night (10+ hours) with minimal wake ups and when she does wake up, she is able to to put herself back to sleep in a timely manner. Her expertise as far as implementing a sleep schedule and how to train our baby was so helpful and also she seemed to really care about helping us with our baby’s sleeping situation and figuring out a way to improve it. We had an awesome experience and most importantly Joanie was able to help us get our baby sleeping through the night!! ”
— David and Vanessa, Jerusalem , Israel, parents of 6 m old
“We found Joanie on a town Facebook group, as multiple people had raved about her ability to help get their kids to sleep better. We have a 2.5 year old who, until a few months ago, slept the night after having been sleep trained at four months old. For whatever reason, he decided he no longer wanted to go to bed at night, would get up multiple times a night, often looking for things like his stuffed animal, and then he would be up for the day before 6:00am. It wasn’t enough sleep for a kid his age and his parents were definitely getting quite tired! We contacted Joanie and we were able to schedule a call with her to discuss her process for working with us. We ended up hiring her, which was an excellent decision on our part after letting these sleep issues go for too long. Joanie was patient and listened to everything that we had to say for over an hour. Within the next day or two, we received a carefully crafted plan, completely customized to our child’s needs and issues. Without fail, Joanie checked in with us each day to see how the plan was going and to assist us with any issues we were having. While some nights are still not perfect, we had drastic improvement by the third night and he was sleeping the night again. We are forever indebted to the help she gave us and we will certainly be using her advice and methods for years to come.
— -Rachel and Nate, Brookline, parents of 2.5 year old
“We reached out to Joanie after speaking to our pediatrician regarding the topic of night weaning. Our son, who was almost exclusively breastfed, was waking 3 times a night to nurse. Our pediatrician said these night feedings were no longer needed. However, we were unsure of how to make the process of night weaning as painless, both emotionally and physically, as possible for all of us. We were also struggling with establishing nap times.
After our initial consultation with Joanie, we started our new training program. Upon the completion of our two week program with Joanie our son is consistently sleeping 11 hours at night and is well on his way to a better nap schedule.
Admittedly, I reached out to Joanie in the middle of the night in a sleep deprived desperate state. However, deciding to work with Joanie has been one of the best decisions we have made in regards to providing the best care we can for our son.
Before we started our work with Joanie we were completely overwhelmed by all of the information available regarding sleep training methods. Joanie took the time to discuss what we were doing now, what our sleep goals for our son were and how we envisioned getting there. Based upon our consultation, Joanie put together a sleep program specific to our son that took into consideration the concerns we had with many “traditional” sleep training methods.
Once we started our program, we checked in with Joanie daily with progress reports and to receive feedback. Joanie was always very patient and supportive. This process was more emotional than we expected it to be so these attributes in particular became quite meaningful. She was very realistic about what our limits were and that life happens. She was able to effectively coach us on how to deal with those challenges as they arose.
We are so happy with the results. We have a baby that is sleeping through the night and is taking naps regularly (almost!) We are sleeping through the night now too. While there were some tears, there were not nearly as many as we had anticipated, and for that we are so thankful. We achieved what we had hoped using a method we were comfortable with. Thank you for giving our son “the gift of sleep.”
— Jessica and Jeff, Westborough, parents of 8 m old
“As with every parent that reaches out to Joanie, we did so in a fog of sleep deprivation. We were searching for a way to implement the research we had done on our own, but when faced with the sweaty-inducing cries of our 9 month old, we questioned ourselves and caved to bad habits each time. Joanie helped us feel more sure-footed about our approach, drawing on research and best-practices from her decades of experience. After following Joanie’s recommendations for a week, our baby miraculously started sleeping through the night. We are all far more well-rested, and the increased structure and schedule had a ripple effect on our older toddler (3.5 years) who is now sleeping better as well. My wife and I can finally function at work and have quality time as a family. I was surprised how quickly we saw results. Joanie helped us realize that our efforts to soothe our baby were actually inhibiting the learning process. I think Joanie’s approach and focus on consolidated sleep really sped up the learning process, both for our baby and ourselves. Ultimately we had to mature a bit as parents during this process, but we’re glad that we did. We couldn’t have done it without Joanie ”
— Sarah and Devan, Santo Domingo, DR, parents of 9 m old and 3.5 yr old
““Before we started working with Joanie, who was recommended to us by another Foreign Service family in Israel, I felt like I was barely hanging on. Severe sleep deprivation had set in and we were desperate to find a solution that would help our little girl in the throes of the dreaded 4 month sleep “regression” that (1) wasn’t cry it out and (2) developmentally appropriate and customized for her developmental stage. Our sweet baby was waking 6-8 times a night and no one was sleeping — even our dog was fed up. As two working parents, our lack of sleep was made even worse by stressful days in the office. We were clutching to hope that something would change. We read numerous books and scoured the Web, but even after some research it wasn’t clear which method or approach was best and — if we could choose — how to implement it. There are so many methods out there and trying to decipher the merits and dangers of CIO and countless others had us boggled, especially given our growing sleep deficit.
Our parents and friends were of little help too. Many had simply suffered through this period or gotten into habits we were uncomfortable doing, such as bringing the child into the parents bed. After working with Joanie, our family and child’s caretaker became united in the pursuit of healthy sleep. Joanie worked closely with us to define our goals and develop a sleep plan based on our daughter’s developmental stage, our desires, and the household environment and schedule. The plan required 100% commitment and accountability, but with Joanie’s coaching we finally had the confidence to undertake a plan that we felt comfortable with. Not only was our daughter sleeping through the night by the second day of working together, but all of our dreams (literally) came true: she was feeding more productively, she was playing more enthusiastically, and mom and dad could finally get back to normal. It wasn’t always easy, but with the plan and Joanie’s support we got our daughter to a healthy sleep schedule and learned important lessons that will help us be better parents going forward. We were happily married again and parenting with joy — finally!
We really can’t say enough. Working with Joanie was just spectacular. Joanie’s approach works. From the initial phone consultation and detailed intake form, to the thorough plan and daily checkins, this is seriously the way to go. Like a sleep scientist, she quickly helped us identify the issues interrupting our daughter’s sleep and tailored a solution specific to our needs, not just something that was marketed to the masses. Each day we customized and tweaked the plan to meet the needs of our family. Through our daily interactions, which were seamless despite us living eight time zones away in Kenya, we were counseled and developed a perfect solution for our daughter. Although we never had the pleasure to meet Joanie in person, the phone and email checkins were so incredibly helpful — this is what sets Joanie apart from other services. There is no limit on questions, ample time to talk on the phone, and two weeks of counseling is far, far longer than other similar services.
Joanie also thought to integrate our Kenyan nanny in our calls and counseling. Together, we were able to achieve sleep nirvana with our daughter’s entire care team, through the night and daytime naps. She was culturally sensitive to this dimension of our family’s situation and it worked beautifully. Our nanny, even though she is very experienced, felt empowered by the new information and knows that she is better able to take care of our daughter and other children in the future. Having our nanny contribute to the intake form and join the check in calls was critical to getting her buy in to the process. In sum, working with Joanie was one of the best investments my family has ever made — ever! Worth every dollar ten times over. I recommend her to every family I encounter and especially to those looking for help while living overseas.””
— "Tatum and Alex, Nairobi, Kenya, parents of 4 m old
“When I reached out to Pediatric Sleep Strategies I hadn’t slept for more than three consecutive hours in weeks. Nobody in our family was getting the sleep they needed. I was exhausted, feeling defeated, and the lack of sleep was beginning to manifest in anxiety and depression-like symptoms. I had put a lot of time and energy into soothing our baby and trying to help him sleep using a variety of methods, but it didn’t feel like there was really any progress being made. Joanie gave us the personalized and thoughtful guidance we needed to create a strategic plan that worked for our family, our schedule, but most important-something we were comfortable with. Within the first few days of working with her, our baby went from waking up 4-8 times a night to sleeping for more than 11 consecutive hours. What I loved about working with Joanie the most (besides our sleeping baby ☺) was her understanding and appreciation that all families and babies are unique. She walked us through our options and helped guide us with the one that was best for us. Having a customized plan and being able to troubleshoot with her daily gave us the structure and solutions we needed. I highly recommend working with her! ”
— Sara and Adam, Jerusalem, Israel, parents of 5 m old
“At one year old, our daughter had fallen into some less than ideal sleep habits that were starting to take over our lives and certainly limit our sleep. It was challenging to know how to overhaul her schedule and impact her habits in ways that we could be confident that were in her best interest - there are SO many opinions and SO much information at our fingertips these days. Despite the fact that we had an older child, each child is different and this was new territory. Joanie came highly recommended and our only disappointment was that we didn’t contact her sooner. She was able to quickly learn our situation and schedule time to meet with us in person and view our daughter’s sleep space, much more valuable to us than a phone or online type interview. She understood what we were dealing with and treated our problem like a priority while helping to craft a reasonable and flexible plan that we felt in charge of and able to implement. Her many years of experience and “tools in her toolbelt” were invaluable, but at the same time she was very responsive to our unique situation, concerns and needs. She was there for guidance as we got going and made the necessary changes, and we successfully helped our daughter to add 2+ hours of sleep to her daily routine, as well as adapt to a healthy nap and sleep schedule that best supports her needs and development. We also reclaimed our evenings and bed. We couldn’t have asked for more out of our experience.”
— Stacey and Matt, Chestnut Hill, parents of 1 yr old
“Before reaching out to Joanie, I had just returned to work after my maternity leave, my daughter had started daycare and was also going through the four month regression. This perfect storm of events resulted in our household going off the rails! She was back sleeping in my bed when she had previously been in her crib, she would only fall asleep if I nursed her, she couldn’t fall asleep on her own and her naps were only 30 minutes. We were both exhausted! Joanie created a very detailed and clear plan that was so easy to follow. I was amazed at how quickly my daughter changed her behavior! She was sleeping through the night after only a few nights, she could fall asleep on her own after only one day! I felt very supported by Joanie throughout the entire experience, she was always there day or night, to answer any questions or calm any doubts i had. She became a crucial part to my daughters’ development and to our lives. Our house is now happy and quiet and so different and I have Joanie to thank!! ”
— Jane, Natick, parent of 4 m old
“When our daughter hit 4 months it was the same time as the fall time change. Our daughter started waking multiple times a night and was rising early each morning and naps were inconsistent. Before working with Joanie, our daughter began crying for her pacifier and would not fall back asleep without it! Naps ended as soon as the pacifier fell out. Our daughter was also reliant on sleeping in a Dockatot in her crib.
Thanks to Joanie, our little girl is sleeping 12 hours most nights without a Dockatot or pacifier and she is able to self soothe herself back to sleep if she does wake overnight and during naps. Joanie provided us with a schedule that would meet the needs of our family as well as strategies to help shape the day which has been life-changing!
Joanie gave us the confidence to provide our daughter with restorative and consolidated sleep. She is knowledgeable and compassionate. Her phone calls and emails each day were both helpful and reassuring. Thanks Joanie for helping our entire family get a great night sleep! ”
— Krista and Anthony, Yorktown Heights, New York, parents of 5 m old
“Our daughter was a wonderful sleeper until her 2nd birthday, which coincided with the arrival of her baby brother and a transition to a toddler bed. Her sleep challenges included crying and negotiating at bedtime, resisting nap time, and generally being more anxious about sleep. When we called Joanie, we were exhausted from 9 months of sleep deprivation, as we tried to manage the situation on our own. Joanie gave us in-depth coaching and a detailed plan before we began sleep training. She explained to us that lots of small changes would add up to big results. We were shocked to see improvement within just a few days! After one week, our daughter was like a new child: happier, more playful, and enjoying bed time again. Joanie’s daily phone calls helped enormously, and she always had suggestions for new ways to try to optimize the plan for better results. We are so grateful to have the tools to make sure our daughter has healthy sleep habits as she grows! ”
— Kerry and Paul, Winchester, parents of 2.9 yr. old
“Looking back just 2 short weeks ago it is as if my son is a whole new child! We had a baby who never napped and certainly never slept through the night. We tried sleep training at night on our own and just assumed he wasn’t a kid who napped. We were getting by for a while but when our 8 1/2 month old baby was waking over night more than he was as a newborn, we knew we were missing something. Joanie came to the rescue! She was kind, patient, understanding, and knowledgeable. She connected pieces we never in a million years would’ve thought were related to our son’s sleep challenges and put together and helped us implement a comprehensive, easy to follow plan that was specifically tailored to our schedule, his day care setting, our parenting style, and our goals. We now have a happier baby who is not only sleeping better (consistently napping and sleeping through the night), but is consequently eating better, playing better, and is all around happier! Any time I hear a tired friend complaining about being at the end of their rope with regards to baby sleep, I send them to Joanie with confidence! ”
— Michelle and Mark, Natick, parents of 8.5 m old
“Our daughter had always been a great sleeper until we went away twice in two months and started potty training. All of a sudden, she had taken over the bedtime routine, was going to bed later, waking up at least once a night, and no longer napping on the weekends. Having Joanie there to guide us and come into our home to set up her sleep environment was extremely helpful. Little items such as a lovey, which my daughter never had, helped in ways we never would have imagined. Within 2 days of working the plan, our daughter was going to bed earlier and sleeping throughout the night. Naps on the weekend were a little tougher but we stayed the course and had Joanie there to support us. It has been amazing to watch the transformation of our daughter with a little more sleep. She is the happiest we have seen her and her personality has flourished. We never recognized the signs of being overtired and we now have the tools needed to get her the sleep she needs. This has given us the confidence we needed to stay strong and know we are doing what is best for our daughter. We are forever grateful to Joanie.”
— Kim and Darrell, Newton, parents of 2.8 yr old
“When we met Joanie we were soooo desperate! Our 5.5 yr old and 1 yr old “shared a room”. The youngest woke 7-10 times per night crying his eyes out, which meant he actually slept in our room, to let our oldest get some sleep. Our oldest also had a habit of waking up and coming into our room crying 2-4 times a night. She couldn’t fall back to sleep unless we waited with her, sometimes it would be an hour before she went back to sleep. My husband and I were getting no more than 1 hour of uninterrupted sleep for the year since our 2nd was born, and 2-3 hours for several years before that. Now they sleep in the same room, ALL NIGHT LONG! She rarely gets out of bed before morning now, and he still cries sometimes but they both put themselves back to sleep. To have someone give us a plan that we HAD to follow was so very important. Joan worked closely with us to design a plan specific to our challenging situation, that we could handle (ie. we did not want to let them cry it out) and commit to. She checked in with us frequently to hear what worked, tweak what didn’t, and give us great pep talks. It was hard, but LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER NOW!!!!! Thank you so very much for everything!! Our lives are truly truly better, we didn’t think it could ever happen! We are forever in your debt :-) ”
— Bethany, Boston, parent of 5.5 yr old and 1 yr old
“When we started working with Joanie, we were totally desperate. There was quite a bit of disruption in our household (new baby two months earlier than expected, new home, big boy bed) and we had lost control over our 3yo’s bedtime routine. Being the smart boy he is, he was playing off our insecurities and basically we were puppets to his game of us laying with him for up to 1-2hrs each night before bed. In swooped Joanie and she went above and beyond to hear our story and give us the tools and strategies to help us gain back control and get into a regular sleep routine and pattern with him. It was wonderful to work with her; she made herself available to me as often as I needed her and I will be forever grateful to her for helping my son get the rest he needs as well as my husband and myself!”
— Laganza family, Hingham, parents of 3 yr old
“Before we met with Joanie, we had hit the dreaded 4 month “sleep regression”. Our baby was constantly tired and in a bad mood due to lack of sleep. We were having to rock/bounce him to sleep, for sometimes an hour- for naps and night time sleep and then when he finally did fall asleep he would wake up pretty soon after and we would have to start the whole thing again- exhausting!
After two weeks of following our customized schedule our baby is able to sleep in his crib, in his own room and we put him down AWAKE! We never thought that this would be possible. His naps are much longer and he is pretty much sleeping through the night. Everyone comments on how much happier he is since working with Joanie.
The ability to check in with Joanie for two weeks was so reassuring and we were able to tweak our schedule to better suit our needs. She was very understanding and so supportive and we cannot thank her enough for helping us help our baby sleep! We would highly recommend Joanie, if you are trying to get on the right track with sleep, she’s the best!
— Anne-Marie and Ben, Newton, parents of 4.5 m old
“It was great to work with Joanie. Our first meeting was in our house and I really appreciated this visit, since she was able to see our environment, our baby’s behaviors and our overall routine of naps. Our baby girl of 10 months at the time we started working with Joanie, was waking up several times during the night, she had the feeding to sleep association and she was sleeping in our bedroom. We knew that we had to make changes but guidance was needed in our case. Joanie first helped us to set up her environment ……all in accordance to AAP Safe sleep guidelines. We immediately proceeded to set up the environment for our baby and moved her to her own room. Joanie provided a plan that same day and we reviewed and asked her for some modifications and questions about it, she was very fast in responding. Our baby girl got sick when we were about to start. So, the recommendation from Joanie was not to start until she was healthy. We followed her recommendation and also, we worked with her in implementing the things that we could, such as: starting using the white noise machine, installing blackout shades, new bedtime routine, more feedings during the day, and trying to be as consistent as possible for naps and bedtime routines. We started to see results from day one. Our baby girl wasn’t waking up that much during the night, she was happy when she was waking up, her sleep quality was better overall. A few days later, she was healthy and we started the training, it was hard for us at the beginning but we got results fast. In the following days, she was able to sleep thru the night. This was our main goal as a family. We have traveled after the training and we have kept the routine and tried to be as consistent as possible and it has worked. Joanie was always touching base with us in a proactive way. We loved working with her.”
— Escobar family, Cambridge, parents of 10 m old
“We found working with Joanie to be a great experience. She was knowledgeable and helped us greatly improve our baby’s ability to sleep through the night and fall asleep on his own. Before we started working with Joanie we were desperate for sleep and struggling with how best to move forward. We found it extremely helpful to meet with Joanie in person and then have regular contact with her while we worked through the sleep plan with our son. He has made incredible progress since we embarked on this sleep journey (he is sleeping 12 hours a night now which is fantastic!) and we really appreciated Joanie’s help and support during this challenging time. We have so much more energy to enjoy our delightful little boy now!”
“Before we met Joanie we were living in a fog. We had almost 4 year old twins who were up multiple times a night between the two of them. They were sleeping with us in our bed out of desperation and no one was waking up feeling well rested. It felt like we had newborns again without the naps! Joanie came to our rescue. She listened to our story with compassion and devised a detailed sleep plan for us; catered to our parenting styles and our daughters’ needs. In a short time our daughters were sleeping in their own beds and staying there from the moment we put them to bed. It was so helpful to have Joanie’s support each day through email or phone as we worked through things. She was always available with tips and advice to help us. We are so thankful for all of Joanie’s help and for getting our whole family the rest we need to enjoy each and every day.”
— Mike and Marianne, Natick, parents of 3 yr old twins
“Working with Joanie was one of the best decisions we have made as parents and I would HIGHLY recommend her. Our daughter was having a lot of trouble falling asleep and was waking up most nights causing us lots of sleeplessness and stress. Joanie worked with us to develop a plan that truly worked wonders. Our daughter is as happy and well rested as she has ever been and so are we!”
— Jeff and Ali, Waltham, parents of 2 yr. old
“We had been dealing with our 14 month old son waking for the “morning” in what was actually the middle of the night for many months, and it seemed to be impossible to rectify. He would only fall back asleep with our intervention and would startle if put back in his crib. We were exhausted and desperate for the crucial guidance that Joanie provided. She was very thorough during our consultation, came up with a holistic sleep plan for our son, and was extremely supportive and knowledgable through the duration of our working together. Joanie provided the expert know-how with the nurturing care of a mother to ensure that we overcame any roadblocks and were set up for success. She was our cheerleader when we needed it most, and our son has made great strides since we enlisted Joanie’s help. We couldn’t recommend her more! ”
— Lauren and Brad, Newton, parents of 14 m old
“When we reached out to Joanie, we were tired and frustrated. We tried several different sleep training tactics and only had partial success. We hit a wall. While we were able to put our son down awake at night, he still woke twice a night to nurse, and typically needed to be nursed to sleep for naps. On top of the sleep issues, it was a struggle to get him to eat well. I was afraid that cutting the night feeds would impede his slow weight gain. With Joanie’s encouragement and support, I was able to drop his night feeds within 3 nights! He began sleeping 12+ hours almost immediately. Simultaneously, our son started an early transition to 1 nap. It was difficult to tackle naps from so many angles, expecting him to be put down awake, drop a nap and lengthen his nap considerably. We certainly could not have followed through making these changes without Joanie’s continued support. While we are still working on the naps, we are very close to our goal. From the time we started working with Joanie to now, not only is our son’s sleep on track, but also his eating habits have improved tremendously! Without Joanie’s support we would still be stuck in our old sleep deprived cycle. Her quick responses backed by her knowledge and expertise was essential to our success. We are so happy with our progress and are thankful for Joanie’s help. We wish we worked with her sooner!
— Hillary and Brian, parents of a 13.5 m old
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”